Kota Ambon mulai berkembang semenjak kedatangan Portugis di tahun 1513,[1] kemudian sekitar tahun 1575, penguasa Portugis mengerahkan penduduk di sekitarnya untuk membangun benteng Kota Laha atau Ferangi yang diberi nama waktu itu Nossa Senhora de Anunciada
di dataran Honipopu. Dalam perkembangannya sekelompok masyarakat
pekerja yang membangun benteng tersebut mendirikan perkampungan yang
disebut Soa, kelompok masyarakat inilah yang menjadi dasar dari pembentukan kota Ambon kemudian (Cita de Amboina dalam bahasa Spanyol atau Cidado do Amboino
dalam bahasa Portugis ) karena di dalam perkembangan selanjutnya
masyarakat tersebut sudah menjadi masyarakat geneologis teritorial yang
Rabu, 01 Mei 2013
Filed under: Football — Leave a comment
March 12, 2013
Awal mula munculnya sepak bola cukup
membingungkan. Beberapa dokumen mengatakan sepak bola berasal dari masa
Romawi, namun ada juga yang menyatakan bahwa sepak bola berasal dari
daratan Cina. FIFA sendiri sebagai badan sepak bola dunia menyatakan
bahwa sepak bola berawal dari permainan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat
Cina pada abad ke-2 hingga ke-3 sebelum Masehi. Olah raga ini dikenal
dengan nama “cuju“. Sepak bola modern yang kita kenal sekarang diakui
oleh berbagai pihak berasal dari Inggris. Sepak bola modern ini mulai
dimainkan pada pertengahan abad ke-19 di sekolah-sekolah di daerah
Inggris Raya. Pada tahun 1857 beridiri klub sepak bola pertama di dunia,
dengan nama Sheffield Football Club. Klub sepak bola ini merupakan
gabungan dari beberapa sekolah yang memainkan permainan sepak bola. Pada
saat yang sama, tepatnya tahun 1863, berdiri badan asosiasi sepak bola
di Inggris, dengan nama Football Association (FA). Pada
saat itu badan inilah yang mengeluarkan peraturan dasar permainan sepak
bola, sehingga sepak bola menjadi lebih terorganisir. Pada tahun 1886
terbentuk badan yang mengeluarkan peraturan sepak bola modern di dunia,
dengan nama International Football Association Board (IFAB). IFAB
terbentuk setelah adanya pertemuan antara FA dengan Scottish Football
Association, Football Association of Wales, dan Irish Football
Association di Manchester, Inggris.
Sejarah Singkat Muhammadiyah
Filed under: The history — Leave a comment
March 12, 2013
Bulan Dzulhijjah (8 Dzulhijjah 1330 H)
atau November (18 November 1912 M) merupakan momentum penting lahirnya
Muhammadiyah. Itulah kelahiran sebuah gerakan Islam modernis terbesar di
Indonesia, yang melakukan perintisan atau kepeloporan pemurnian
sekaligus pembaruan Islam di negeri berpenduduk terbesar muslim di
dunia. Sebuah gerakan yang didirikan oleh seorang kyai alim, cerdas, dan
berjiwa pembaru, yakni Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan atau Muhammad Darwis dari
kota santri Kauman Yogyakarta.
Kata ”Muhammadiyah” secara bahasa
berarti ”pengikut Nabi Muhammad”. Penggunaan kata ”Muhammadiyah”
dimaksudkan untuk menisbahkan (menghubungkan) dengan ajaran dan jejak
perjuangan Nabi Muhammad. Penisbahan nama tersebut menurut H. Djarnawi
Hadikusuma mengandung pengertian sebagai berikut: ”Dengan nama itu dia
bermaksud untuk menjelaskan bahwa pendukung organisasi itu ialah umat
Muhammad, dan asasnya adalah ajaran Nabi Muhammad saw, yaitu Islam. Dan
tujuannya ialah memahami dan melaksanakan agama Islam sebagai yang
memang ajaran yang serta dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad saw, agar
supaya dapat menjalani kehidupan dunia sepanjang kemauan agama Islam.
Dengan demikian ajaran Islam yang suci dan benar itu dapat memberi nafas
bagi kemajuan umat Islam dan bangsa Indonesia pada umumnya.”
Kelahiran dan keberadaan Muhammadiyah
pada awal berdirinya tidak lepas dan merupakan menifestasi dari gagasan
pemikiran dan amal perjuangan Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan (Muhammad Darwis)
yang menjadi pendirinya. Setelah menunaikan ibadah haji ke Tanah Suci
dan bermukim yang kedua kalinya pada tahun 1903, Kyai Dahlan mulai
menyemaikan benih pembaruan di Tanah Air. Gagasan pembaruan itu
diperoleh Kyai Dahlan setelah berguru kepada ulama-ulama Indonesia yang
bermukim di Mekkah seperti Syeikh Ahmad Khatib dari Minangkabau, Kyai
Nawawi dari Banten, Kyai Mas Abdullah dari Surabaya, dan Kyai Fakih dari
Maskumambang; juga setelah membaca pemikiran-pemikiran para pembaru
Islam seperti Ibn Taimiyah, Muhammad bin Abdil Wahhab, Jamaluddin
Al-Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, dan Rasyid Ridha. Dengan modal kecerdasan
dirinya serta interaksi selama bermukim di Ssudi Arabia dan bacaan atas
karya-karya para pembaru pemikiran Islam itu telah menanamkan benih
ide-ide pembaruan dalam diri Kyai Dahlan. Jadi sekembalinya dari Arab
Saudi, Kyai Dahlan justru membawa ide dan gerakan pembaruan, bukan malah
menjadi konservatif.
The Beautiful Kuta Bali
March 12, 2013
Kuta is the exciting tourist area on the
southern part of Bali. Most tourists visiting Bali do not forget to
spend their time in Kuta
It is located in southwestern Bali, just minutes from the airport.
Kuta is one of the world’s most famous
beaches. It first attracted Western surfers with its world renowned surf
break followed closely behind by sun worshipers and party goers
attracted to its wide stretches of white sandy beach.
Kuta is the center of night life
activities. Kuta has a shopping mecca, with its lines of shops,
boutiques, and galleries. Restaurants line up the streets as well as the
beachfront hotels, ranging from a small, inexpensive homestay to a
luxurious resort
There are many night clubs along Jalan
Legian and Jalan Pantai Kuta. The busiest time for all night clubs are
around from 22:00 and will close until down.
The Generic Structure: Kuta Bali Beach
Every descriptive text should contain the generic structure of
Identification: Showing what specific participant which will be described in the text. In sample It is about the Kuta Bali beach. Kuta beach and not the other beaches
Description: Showing the image of the participant. In this sample, Kuta bali beach is described as a location in Southern Bali which is just minute from the airport. It also described as the place of beautiful place for surfers. Kuta Bali beach is also described as the center of night life activities.
Every descriptive text should contain the generic structure of
Identification: Showing what specific participant which will be described in the text. In sample It is about the Kuta Bali beach. Kuta beach and not the other beaches
Description: Showing the image of the participant. In this sample, Kuta bali beach is described as a location in Southern Bali which is just minute from the airport. It also described as the place of beautiful place for surfers. Kuta Bali beach is also described as the center of night life activities.
This short example of descriptive text about Kuta Bali beach is arranged from:
Photo is credited to http://www.flickr.com/photos/eguidetravel/6070872319/
March 13, 2013

Can you tell us what position you hold in the Illuminati?
I’m part of the 12-man Ruling Council.
There are five Americans, five western Europeans, one Russian and one
Indian. We have members in every country of the world, but there are
fewer than 6,000 of us in total.
People say that the Illuminati are exceptionally wealthy. Is that true?
People say that the Illuminati are exceptionally wealthy. Is that true?
It’s true that all twelve members of the
Ruling Council are wealthy, but money, for us, simply funds our mission,
nothing else. We are not worshippers of Mammon, as our accusers would
have you believe. [In fact, most of what could be called the "wealth" of
the Illuminati is in the form of priceless treasures, not "liquid"
money. Some members of the Illuminati have acquired considerable wealth;
most are not wealthy.]
Are you intent on creating a New World Order?
The blunt answer is yes, but not in the way our enemies claim. We are liberators.
Liberators of what?
Of the human race. That’s our mission. To set humanity free from…sorry I must stop there.
Excuse me, why do you have to stop?
I was in danger of saying too much. I’m
afraid I can’t speak freely, given the nature of the secret the
Illuminati are protecting, and the power of our enemies.
Are your enemies people like David Icke? Is he exposing your conspiracy?
We are conspirators, yes, but our
conspiracy is entirely benevolent. David Icke is not an enemy of the
Illuminati. He says many things with which we agree. His problem is that
he has not correctly identified the true enemy. His enemy is the same
as ours, but he does not understand their real nature and purpose. His
lizard theory is of course preposterous and discredits all of the many
sensible things he says. It’s most unfortunate that a clever man has
played into the hands of our mutual enemy by presenting incredible
theories that no rational person could take seriously.
What do you mean by “mutual enemy”?
Icke makes many
perceptive observations, but he erroneously calls the enemy the
Illuminati and the New World Order and so forth. In fact, the enemy is
the Old World Order – the people who have been in charge from the very
beginning. They have no need to change anything because the world is
already dancing to their tune. Their tyrannical dynasties have stridden
the world stage for millennia. The last thing they want is a new world.
Icke is correct when he identifies royal families, presidents, prime
ministers, bankers, media barons, top business executives and so on as
the enemy. He is wrong to call them the Illuminati. We are the very
people who are waging the fiercest war against the enemy, trying to stop
them choking the human race to death. We are the last and only hope for
humanity. Everyone who opposes a New World Order is deluded – having
swallowed the deceptions of the enemy – or is actively in the service of
the powers that be: the Old World Order.
Leonel Messi
Born on June 24, 1987, in Rosario,
Argentina, soccer player Lionel Messi moved to Spain at the age of 13,
after the FC Barcelona club agreed to pay for hormone-deficiency
treatments. Messi became a star in his new country, scoring at will
while leading his club to championships. In 2012, he set a record for
most goals in a calendar year, and afterward was named FIFA’s “Player of
the Year” a record fourth time.
Early Years
Lionel Messi was born Luis Lionel Andres
Messi on June 24, 1987, in Rosario, Argentina. As a young boy, he tagged
along when his two older brothers played soccer with their friends,
unintimidated by the bigger boys. At the age of 8, he was recruited to
join the youth system of Newell’s Old Boys, a Rosario-based club.
Recognizably smaller than most of the kids in his age group, Messi was
eventually diagnosed by doctors as suffering from a hormone deficiency
that restricted his growth.
Messi’s parents, Jorge and Ceclia,
decided on a regimen of nightly growth-hormone injections for their son,
though it soon proved impossible to pay several hundred dollars per
month for the medication. So, at the age of 13, when Messi was offered
the chance to train at soccer powerhouse FC Barcelona’s youth academy,
La Masia, and have his medical bills covered by the team, Messi’s family
picked up and moved across the Atlantic to make a new home in Spain.
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